It begins…

Though clichéd, the concept of “starting as one means to go on” is something I am now attempting to do.
By setting up a blog that I shall save exclusively for writing purposes – whether it be articles, unpublished reviews, or general thoughts – I am placing myself in an environment where I can stretch my creative skills, get my fingers tapping, and begin to develop my professional writing skills.
The name of this blog, ‘adspice prospice’ is two thirds of a Latin phrase, ‘respice adspice prospice’ meaning ‘look behind, look here, look ahead’. Taking the Anglicised version and shortening it, I wish to ‘examine the present and the future’. Take what is happening now and see how that might change the future.
And so begins my exploration of the written word and how I am to use it to its full potential.
Watch this space…

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