About Me

Leisurely with a capacity for mountains…

Writing, words and stories have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Whether it was making up my own bedtime stories, reviewing theatre productions for the student paper, or editing friend’s first novels, a love of words is a part of me.

This blog has, understandably, evolved since I first published in 2011, as have my passions. I was a rock climber for many years, then ironically turned away from it after moving to the Peak District. But big skies and open spaces still draw me in, and walking remains an integral part of my physical and mental journey.

I fell in love with open water swimming in 2018, and now call myself a tentative triathlete having found a road bike and running legs. 

In my day job in Property Marketing, words hold the power to persuade, encourage and promote. I hope you find a few of them inspiring here too.


– Tiffany

I just can’t help snapping the views from my front door…

4 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Like your about me, and it sounds like if you want to really get through your writers block you need to get your hands chalky and your sticky rockboots on. Or even better sit down to the computer and just put down that feeling into words when your half way up a cliff hanging by a rope dangling in the air high above the ground. What does that feel like? Why is that something that really gets your head rolling in excitement or whatever the emotion is? Tell me all about it… Someone who is afraid of heights, snakes, well reptiles in general and convinced if I go out climbing rocks something will be in one of those crevices. So what is it about Rock Climbing that gets you jazzed up? Explain it to me? Because that is something you are passionate about, and I think there will be some words that flow all about that. You can even write it as a letter if that would help you.

    Peace Harmony and Words

    1. Thank you so much for your comments. Trying to vocalise my passion for climbing is very difficult, but I hope my recent post (Head for Heights) can give you some idea of why I do what I do. Enjoy!

  2. I have just been sent a copy of your review of Debs Newbold’s “Under Her Skin” at the Electric Theatre last year. I’ve got her coming to the Electric next Thursday (24th) to tell ghost stories. Would you like a couple of comp tickets? Cheers Lawrence

    1. Thank you very much for the offer – I would have loved to have come, but unfortunately am unavailable. Please do get in touch again should she return once more to Guildford. Thank you for your interest.

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